Merged documents for every requirement

Auto-populate various document templates, including invoices, receipts, tickets, and invites, with information provided by clients in their form responses. Then, you can attach these merged documents in confirmation emails. Avoid the hassle of manual entries and human error. Use form data to automatically create custom documents.

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Create custom documents with Zoho Writer

Select from a variety of pre-designed Zoho Writer templates or create your own custom PDF templates to use as email attachments. Then, auto-populate these templates with form responses by mapping field data to elements in your custom PDF document. Best of all, it only takes a few simple steps.

Document Merge
Document Merger

Create custom documents with WebMerge

Use your WebMerge credentials to set up document templates that will be sent as attachments in emails. Merge the data collected in form responses into registration and contract document templates. Once done, they're automatically and securely sent via email.

Digitally sign documents with Zoho Sign

Get documents signed and verified by multiple members of your organization using Zoho Sign, after the document merge process is configured with Zoho Writer. In a few straightforward steps, you can list the emails of teammates who need to sign a document or receive a signed copy of it, and your documents will be mailed to them all automatically.

Document Merging
Document Merge Forms

Store merged documents in the cloud

Save your form attachments and merged documents in our integrated services, Zoho Docs and Zoho Workdrive, or in third-party cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive. You can save your documents automatically or using a manual process. This way, you never have to deal with the hassle of losing vital information.

Keep custom documents on brand

Customize the appearance of your merged documents by integrating your branding via colors and logos that match your forms. Keep your documents cohesive by adjusting details, such as fonts, font sizes, layouts, and colors.

Document Merge